Aggregate Screenings

Aggregate Screenings

Aggregate screenings (blue metal) are graded for uniform size. Sizes are: 7mm; 10mm (pictured); 10-14mm and 20mm. Screenings are used in the production of concrete, for drainage, or as a path or driveway topping.
Class 4 Gravel

Class 4 Gravel

Crushed from blue metal or basalt rock, this gravel includes fines . Gravel sizes: 20mm (pictured) & 40mm. An economical and versatile material that compacts well as fill or a base. Suitable under concrete slabs, footpaths, car parks, under curb and channel, road...
Quarry Products

Quarry Products

Crushed rock, rocks, pebbles, mulches, screenings, surface toppings and sands, including various treatments, are also available in bulk direct from the quarry. Quantities of 10-30m are available for delivery with our truck and trailers. Please enquire through the...


Red in colour, this 20mm drainage aggregate is screened to be free of fine material. Scoria is lighter in weight than blue metal aggregate. Note: this is a drainage scoria and not generally used for decorative purposes.
Stone Dust

Stone Dust

Dust is a fine, blue metal by product with particle sizes ranging from fines to 5mm. Excellent compaction qualities suitable for paths, car parks, filling trenches, curb and channel works Use as a base for synthetic turf installations, under slabs and water...